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Rockledge Volunteer 
Fire Company #1

Volunteering for the citizens of Rockledge Borough and surrounding communities since 1903.

The Rockledge Volunteer Fire Company was established in 1903 by residents of Rockledge Pennsylvania to provide fire services to the borough and the surrounding communities. Today we continue the great tradition of volunteer firefighting with 120 years of dedicated service to our community.

About Us


Year Established


State & National Certifications


Self Funded


Annual Volunteer Hours



The Rockledge Volunteer Fire Company is a 100% volunteer organization that relies on dedicated members to achieve our mission. Whether you are interested in firefighting, fundraising, accounting or secretarial work we need for your help. 

Firefighting is a rewarding commitment that we see the value of on a daily basis We help educate our volunteers through structured training to ensure a smooth transition to firefighting and emergency services. We also offer a Junior Firefighting program for individuals 16-18 years of age. This program is designed to mentor and introduce applicants to what it means to be a firefighter and some of the basic training.

Visit our membership page to complete a membership inquiry form  or download our membership application. 

Hall Rental 

The Hook & Ladder Room is available Weekdays, Weeknights & Weekends. With seating capacity of up to 150 people, the Hook & Ladder Room is convenient for Weddings, Anniversaries, Birthdays, Christenings, Communions, Graduations, Retirement Parties and Special Occasions.

The Hook & Ladder Room serves as a vital source of funding for the fire company. Know that 100% of your rental fees go to the daily operation of the fire company.



Squad 9 

Squad 9 is a 2016 KME Rescue Engine equipped to handle an array of assignments from firefighting to vehicle rescue. It can carry a total of 8 firefighters and is our first due apparatus in Rockledge Borough. The truck is equipped with 500 gallons of water, over 2,500 feet of hose and other specialized equipment.

Rescue 9

Rescue 9 is a 2000 KME Heavy Rescue. It is equipped with an array of specialized equipment to complete emergency rescues. The rescue carries up to 8 firefighters and is equipped with a PTO generator, light tower, Six bottle cascade & breathing air lines, pre-connected Hurst "Jaws of Life" Rescue Tools, Water Rescue Equipment, Haz-Mat Equipment and can also be utilized as a fire ground command post.

Engine 9

Engine 9 is a 1999 KME Pumper primarily used for firefighting . It can carry up to 8 firefighter and is used for responding to emergencies in the borough and surrounding communities. The truck carries 500 galls on of water and has a 1,500 Gallon Per Minute Pump.

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